“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
A cold, damp morning here along the Gulf. It rained throughout most of the evening, and there is still a chilled breeze stirring. As I watched a mourning dove attempting to maneuver around one of our bird feeders, I noticed that she would continue to eye the birdseed that was still just inches away.
She finally surrendered the cause and flew off, only then to be replaced by a squirrel who knocked seed to the ground where the dove easily could celebrate success. Nature is interesting to watch, and I'm especially grateful for these moments during this time that is filled with so many uncertainties. As we prepare for Palm Sunday tomorrow, we are passing out palms in a "drive thru," fashion at our church this morning for an hour, and then will leave some by the front door for those who might want to come by to pick one up. Our doors will remain closed tomorrow, but yet, we will gather through virtual means and wave our palms in unison, as we continue to keep our eyes fixed on the memories of us gathering together in our little church, children laughing as they waved their palms last year, and the sound of music as we proclaimed, "Hosanna!" The dove this morning reminds me that we are learning to adapt our spiritual life for something that still brings us closer to the Divine. Like the desert fathers and mothers of early Christianity, we have entered into places of solitude, and now are being asked to join one another in spirit. Our eyes can still remain on Jesus, as he enters the city. We can always raise our hands in praise, our palms in celebration, watch and see as he enters the gates of our hearts. I am reminded that we are being invited to pray. To keep our eyes on the Divine. The incarnation of Divine Love, and the expression of God's infinite compassion. Jesus is the visible manifestation of God's holiness. Jesus is all beauty, goodness, gentleness, forgiveness and mercy. We are being reminded that outside of Jesus, we struggle to be found. We are being invited to no longer look elsewhere. Jesus speaks the words of eternal life, reminds us that he is both food and drink, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is the Light that we need when we are faced with darkness, the lamp on the lampstand, and the house on the hilltop. We remain focused on the Holy One, Beautiful One, Glorious One, who is also our Redeemer, Guide, Consoler, Comforter, Hope, Joy and our Peace. May our eyes never grow dim as we look to You. Wherever we may be on our journey, let us not lose sight of Your hand, as you reach out to us to guide our next step. Let us keep our eyes on You as You keep us in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2020 Comments are closed.
AuthorRev. G. Todd Williams is the author of the book, "Remember Me When..." and is a former hospice chaplain and pastor. Archives
February 2024