I am taking time away for the next week for complete Sabbath.
Looking forward to returning after the Fourth of July. Stay in God's grip! Todd There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 8 Ecclesiastes opens with these words, "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Have you ever looked back at your life and asked yourself, "Why did this happen?" Yesterday I listened as a woman shared with me that the, "Ghosts of my past, keep me from living fully into my future." We all have things that we encounter in our past that sometimes holds us back, rather than, allowing us to move forward. I remember nearly ten years ago after a long illness I found myself without a job, without a home, and unsure as to what my next step would be. As I sat in the office of a dear friend, she reminded me of this verse in scripture and said, "Okay, so this chapter of your life is over. It was specific for a time and purpose and now it is complete." I must have looked lost, but then she said, "But don't worry, and don't think that your life is over. You have a new chapter that hasn't begun to be written." I know I felt relieved, but also overwhelmed at the same time. For me it meant I would have to rely on God to lead, for me to follow, but most of all, be willing to step out and start creating the new chapter. I wonder if the tree of the field feels sad when winter begins to approach and it must watch as the leaves change color and fall to the ground, exposing itself to the harsh reality of winter? Then in the spring, feeling the warmth of the sun, stirring something from deep within, that brings forth buds and a burst of life that once again creates shade and new limbs that the birds of the field may rest upon. Each day is an unwritten page in the chapter of life. If you have experienced loss, or simply can't imagine another day like yesterday, then perhaps a new chapter is in order. I'm grateful for the words my friend shared. It really helped me to know that God was not done, and that better things were definitely awaiting. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28 "I will rest when I die!"
Funny how rest seems to be a weakness, rather than the realized need for our bodies. We live in a world where long hours and prolonged efforts just seem to be encouraged and when we admit that we are tired, well, let's just say, we seem to be missing out on the proverbial "rat race." It's not that we don't want to keep up, the reality is that we were created in a way that rest is our built in way to retreat from the world. Even God, who created each of us in an image that is similar to God, who also needed to rest after creating all things, reminds us to keep one day a week holy to have sabbath. Sabbath is the intentional time set aside for worship and rest. It is something that God not only wants from us, but actually felt so strongly about it, that Gid gave this to Moses as a commandment. Since I meet people often at the end of their life, it is amazing how many people tell me that their biggest regret in life was not taking the time to "stop, rest, and enjoy the beauty of the world." Rest is something we all need, and is something we all can do. Just look around, depending upon where you live, I will bet there is at least one mattress store, if not a dozen! It is as if God is subconsciously reminded us that we need rest! To seek rest is something that we need, and it is not an option. May you find rest unto your soul as you remain in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” So the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it drift away. ~ Acts 27:31 - 32 Paul was certainly a man with many experiences. In his time sharing the gospel, he traveled many places, spent time in prison, and survived a shipwreck.
A ship he had been riding on was bound to run aground, and for fourteen days the crew battled the raging waters. Paul had shared with the crew that if they would remain with the boat, the nearly three hundred men would survive. At one point as they realize they are heading towards the shore, they begin throwing over the anchors, and lowered a lifeboat, thinking that they may stand a better chance of surviving. Paul warns them that unless they remain on the ship, their lives will be lost. So they cut the lifeboat free, and stay on the boat. They are hungry, having not been able to eat during the trip, because the waters were so rough. He encourages the crew to eat what they can, and after doing so, they throw over all the grain, making the ship less heavy, and higher in the water so that they don't crash into the rocks below the surface and safely make it to shore, saving all the lives on board. It's funny how we are ready to jump ship when difficult times come. When the storms of life seem to rock us, and sometimes the advice of others have us ready to abandon the situation. Years ago while visiting a cancer patient, she shared with me that the doctor had given her a ten percent chance to survive. As we sat and talked, a smile came across her face and she said to me, "Those are just the odds that God loves." You see, storms will come. The sky will become cloudy, and let's face it, sometimes it is hard to have courage. But then there is that voice of faith that reminds us to have courage and believe that all will be well. The glass will once again appear half full, and that we will make it, sometimes by one day at a time, or for some, minute by minute. While we are in the storm, we must never forget that we are always in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 This week I surpassed 500 blog entries and over 45,000 folks have visited the blog.
All of us have the ability to reach out and share their faith with others. It's interesting how this blog started as a way for me to create a time of reflection and discipline for my own spiritual life, while becoming a place where others have joined me. I'm grateful for a place where doubts are welcomed and wounds are embraced, while we all remain "In God's Grip!" "...my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."
~ Psalm 45:1 Our personal lives are the only reality "show" we should ever be concerned about. Every time we turn around there is a new housewife, some new family, or some new headline that has been turned into a new sitcom based on the life of someone else. I guess we use these examples to compare our own lives to, or to sit back and either express gratitude, or jealousy that our lives don't emulate this or that situation. "Confess your own sins, not that of your neighbor," was a common theme I grew up with. What is it about the pain, or troubles of others, that seem to make for good entertainment? When we discover a family "secret" through the open storyline, or even worse, not only does it make for office water fountain fodder, it's expected to be headline material. It seems like today that there are no real subjects that are "off limits." Growing up we didn't talk about some of the things we see as daily reality television episodes that EVERYONE now talks about. We decided that many of these things would have been deemed embarrassing, or something that a family would deal with privately. You wouldn't hope to "sell your secrets." That was something that people with poor taste would do. Our words, and our actions, are now sound bytes or video moments that can appear anywhere. That's why what we say is so important. God still stirs us to speak out for justice and prompts us from the heart to practice kindness and carry out actions based on love. Our incentives to live out our lives should never be based on an incentive for fame through someone else's pain. Never should we exploit others for personal gain, or to destroy the integrity of others. Our words and actions have consequences. God has created the perfect scenario for the perfect reality (not a show), but life. You were skillfully created to love your neighbor, not to sell them out. Just some personal thoughts. Affirm the reality that God exists in your life by living out that reality in your words and actions today. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 I am reminded that unless we speak our words, then they are simply "just words." Can you imagine how different the recording of the creation would be had God not "spoke" things into being? And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. - Genesis 1: 3, 4
We have heard that actions speak louder than words, but words must be shared in order to create the action. In my daily conversations it is not unusual for me to hear of someone's dying experience, or, for some, their own narrative of what it was like to hear the words, "You have cancer." Or, the words, "You are going to die." It's never truly easy. To give life to words, good or bad, they must have flesh. They must contain purpose. They must have some kind of life, otherwise they are "just words." If someone says, "I love you," without any deep emotion, the words do more harm than good. But if these same words are spoken from the heart, they can create new life. "Sittin' on the dock of the bay..." I have summoned up the words to my page, and perhaps I have you humming and thinking of the song... I spoke life into an image, or stirred a melody. The source of our words is always important. Sometimes I think it's good just to consider where our words are rooted. Perhaps the only true way of knowing where our words begin is to stop in prayerful silence. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 No one plans to be labeled as one thing or another. The world loves to point and name you. I think for some it is a coping mechanism so that they can forget their own issues. Black and white. Legal and illegal. Poor and rich. Gay and straight. God and the godless. We all have labels that we use. What labels do you suppose that God uses on us? I listened to an amazing sermon yesterday by a young girl in church that is just a sophomore in high school. Yes, out of the mouths of babes. But this was no mouthpiece. It was a voice crying out to the church. A wilderness of some sort, reminding us that God's love for us bears no label. It is infinite and real. It is for all walks of life. For all of creation. Prepare the way of the Lord by sharing the label of love for all. You are all my brothers and sisters and I love you. Put a label on that! Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 God’s 21st Century John
by G. Todd Williams Dear Lord, today I thought I heard a voice Crying in the wilderness, A prophet’s word, demanding change: “Prepare the way of the Lord; release the captives, raise up those who are beaten down, straighten crooked paths and remove obstacles. God’s glory can now be seen, And every eye shall see it.” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. In the wilderness of the world community Joined by electronic roads and overshadowed by architectural monuments, Where greed fills politicians, And is lost in great waste, Where a numbered society hides within a work-force, And broken spirits converge through social programs, For a moment of respite: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. In the wilderness of third world nations, Where the destitute scrape out their existence While great powers amass grand riches, The strong play with the weak, Where once-proud cultures conform, Their daughters and sons are robbed of tradition, And placed in sweatshops that provides pennies for their handwork: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. In the wilderness of educational institutions, Reading, writing and arithmetic have Been traded for survival training, Where young minds absorb everything Except how to be children of God, Fertile expansions of their minds, but their souls remain barren; Diplomas proclaim success, not wisdom, Honors, not love; “Prepare the way of the Lord!" Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. In the wilderness of politics A field of wheat and tares is bordered by momentary fame, Where large interest groups freely support campaigns, And candidates have the nerve to shout reform, While even those with the best of intentions are devoured By dark forces and are compelled to take a back seat Until cynicism builds within, like a horrible virus: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. In the wilderness of our faith traditions, Where theological trends come and go, Buildings and people are fashionable, And pomp and circumstance are priority, Where evangelism is silenced, Prayer and sacrifice are optional And even Jesus is labeled a “fundamentalist.” “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. We cry out to the voice in the wilderness, “What shall we do?” “Run, turn to the Lord. You who have two suits, Give to the naked; you with a feast upon your table, feed MY hungry. In the markets and governments, work through compassion And be ready for the One who comes with fire!” Dear Lord, calm my spirit, And let Your infinite love prevail. "Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven" ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 This morning I was up early and on the road to attend the funeral of one of my patients. As I look over the familiar Ecclesiastes text that speaks to the seasons of our lives, inside the worn cover of my Bible, I find bits and pieces of the chapters I have known in my life.
A postcard from a peacemaking conference I attended, a small bell made of yellow construction paper from a Christmas service, a business card of a colleague who died a decade ago, a bulletin from a church service from 2003, and two paragraphs from a graveside service for the infant child of a friend. All are chapters. All are what the writer of Ecclesiastes shares about as the words, "a time and a place for all things," continues to mark time and my memories. This morning as I passed familiar mile markers on the highway while making my way into the city, and I listened to the news on the local NPR station, all I could think about was, "What can I say that will allow others to realize that every chapter of life is important?" And then I think of the space of time before I began my drive into the city. My neighbor shared of two deaths. A friend who died unexepectedly, and the death of a young child who drowned. We are already a community that is still grieving the deaths of children in our local high school a month ago, and these just seem to add to that grief. As we hugged one another before leaving our driveways, we took the time to pray together for God's understanding, for peace, and for God's presence. Every moment we live is important. As I sit in my car, preparing to go into the funeral home, I notice workers standing and talking while the rain gently falls. I notice the mud on their boots and I am reminded from dust we are created and to dust we shall return. It is time to walk in and to talk of chapters, and seasons, hoping that somehow these last words will be lasting words, while I am reminded that I am in God's grip, and so are you. G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints."
- Philemon 4 How do we know that we are infinitely loved by God when our immediate surroundings keep telling us that we'd better prove our right to exist? The knowledge of being loved in an unconditional way, before the world presents us with its conditions, cannot be taught. It is something that comes from above and from within. It's like looking into a mirror, and going past the initial reflection. It means looking within and seeing God's love manifested in a great way, while making itself known through our words and actions. When I think of those that live around me, I witness what unconditional love is. When I think of my grandparents, and some of the other saints that taught me so much about the love of God, I witness unconditional love. We are called to be that witness. A reflection, that announces the truth of God's love and calls us to act in accordance with it. Be the reflection of God's unconditional love and give thanks! Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." ... I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world. ~ Matthew 28:20 I am reminded that I encounter death every day in my role as a hospice chaplain. In just one afternoon this week I was at the bedside of a man who marched across Italy during WWII, a man who was the President of a large Fortune 500 Company, and a woman who came to this country following the Vietnam War as a refugee.
All three very different situations and life experiences, but all three encountering eternity at the same time. I remember being told the "only two things you can count on in life. Death and taxes." Well, the death part for sure. None of us are immune to the fact that one day we will die. Often when I meet a new patient, if they are able to share, I will ask, "What do you want your last day of life to look like?" I don't know if any of us are ever ready to respond, but it is something that for those who are living with a life-limiting illness, they do begin to start thinking of this. While I am aware that God is with us always, even until the end, I realize that "the end," is full of unknowns. I am not even sure if Jesus could have been prepared for what he experienced on the last day of his life, and the last thing that any of us want on our last day is to experience great pain. But like the woman who overcomes the pain of childbirth while giving birth to a new life, our death is about living out our faith and welcoming eternity. While I may encounter folks at the end of their life on earth, there is some comfort in knowing that I am with them as they are entering into their new life in eternity. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. ~ 1 Peter 4:8 Lately I seemed to have encountered a number of people attempting to justify how a couple could love one another, as if there is some way to justify why someone loves another person.
It starts to make a person wonder how it is that we can begin to justify the unconditional love of God when all we seem to see is violence, fear, abuse, and various forms of hatred. I don't know about you, but it certainly doesn't help someone who is struggling to understand the love of God when just the opposite seems to be the examples of God's love in the world. I am reminded that even those who have experienced the worst examples of these expressions, still have the ability to love and to be loved in return. I once had a woman share with me that her husband was "incapable of love," and when I asked why she then stayed with him, she shared, "because I love him." Perhaps that within itself poses a problem of its own, but the funny thing about love, is that it is a "funny thing." Even while she shared of the things he had done, or failed to do, instead of turning herself into a victim, I discovered that she was becoming empowered by the love she held for him, to try and make a difference. We are called to love one another as God has loved us. For each of us, that love is personal. By choosing to love others, we become the example of human resilency, and how God is able to make God's presence known. For those people who choose to love, even when there is fear or hatred, even in ways that may seem very small, they are inviting the presence of God to transcend and offer real hope to the world. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 And the whole crowd was trying to touch him because power was going out from him and healing all. ~ Luke 6:19 One of the things that I realize about being the living instrument of Christ, is that God is dependent upon us. While we spend much of our time seeking out God, God is just as busy looking to us.
God doesn't look to us to be controlling, rather God looks to us to find ways to bring the creation together. God is the great healer, and God depends on our gifts to heal one another. In order for there to be reconciliation, God looks to us to be reconcilers. And when it comes to forgiveness, we are the ones who must respond, and move forward. In many ways Jesus again serves as the example of "God among us." While walking through the crowds one day, Jesus tells the crowd, "Someone has touched me." Jesus recognized that power had been taken from him, and that healing had taken place. For many of us, learning that the power of God depends on us, is also the reminder of the importance of vulnerability and weakness. It is the reminder that God came to us as a vulnerable baby, and that through that weakness lived among us. Recognizing that weakness means that we realize the importance of our own vulnerability. Not just to God, but to one another. When we do this, we cannot help to be the presence of Christ to others. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 "'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” ~ Revelation 21:4 Human suffering is something that each of us have thought about and hope that we never experience. Working with hospice patients, I often hear them relate to me what they believe life after death will be like. "Heaven sounds like such a perfect place," but then they talk about the process. "I hope that I don't suffer." While no one wants to suffer, the scriptures are full of stories of persons who have suffered at great lengths, not just spiritually, but physical pain as well. No pain is alike. Jesus' own story of suffering reminds us that pain exists. Writers throughout scripture, even when they were suffering, try to find ways to relate hope during such times. Even Jesus shared with the man hanging beside him on the day of his death, "Today you will be with me in paradise." The understanding that we may encounter pain in our life, is filled with promises that through our faithfulness eternity will bring a different condition. One where we will never suffer again. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
- 2 Corinthians 3: 17-18 In each of our lives we have moments when we "know" that something really important is happening within us. Often it is related to a new direction in our life or a significant re-commitment to a path that we are already on. We have a deep sense that the new step we are taking matters very much. Don't ever think that God is not doing "something" in your life. Each of us matters to God. The manifestation of Christ takes many forms. Within the womb of a Hebrew girl. On the steps of our nation's Capitol where justice seekers stand and hold signs. On the playground where a bully's words have brought out strength unseen before in his victim. Or in the silent moment of prayer where peace seems to roll in like the evening tide. I could go on and on about what God is doing in our lives, but it is up to each of us to seek out the Spirit and allow it to rise up and recognize by living out the manifestation. I'm praying that today others see the manifestation of the amazing Trinity in each of us, and that we allow that new direction or re-commitment be allowed to take complete control in our life. May the Lord bless and keep the Spirit within moving towards the light of day. To evoke change in you. And for YOU to be forever changed. Amen. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 |
AuthorRev. G. Todd Williams is the author of the book, "Remember Me When..." and is a former hospice chaplain and pastor. Archives
February 2024