"Where then is my hope, who can see any hope for me?" ~ Job 17:15 Years ago Alfred Tennyson wrote, "Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering 'it will be happier.'"
Some days I have to force myself to start the day on a positive note. And it's funny when you think about it. With the dawn of each new day comes a new offering. The news headlines, sometimes the dog waking me up before I'm actually ready to get up, or allowing myself to begin the day by filling my brain with lists of things to do can quickly fog over any chance for me to see the hope clearly being offered. Hope, like faith, sometimes has to be intentional. I have often wondered what challenges Jesus faced while walking among humanity, that have only multiplied over time. While I consider the 5,000 that were hungry one day, now the need numbers in the millions. The number of people paralyzed by either situations in the world, or by health issues, has to be an amazing challenge to address, even for God. But somehow I keep being reminded to have hope that it will all be okay. So often I am asked, "How do people make it through a day without having faith and hope?" There is no clear answer, only the reality that this is when we truly need one another. Sometimes it has to be up to us to be not juat the words of hope, but the action of hope. Sometimes it's not about having faith, but being faithful. We are the encounter for humanity, to be the instruments of God's presence and to seek ways to let others know that the God of all creation still has hope for us even today! May that hope be very present to each of us. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 Comments are closed.
AuthorRev. G. Todd Williams is the author of the book, "Remember Me When..." and is a former hospice chaplain and pastor. Archives
February 2024