May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. ~ Pslam 115:14 - 15 Since last Friday I have been on a whirlwind adventure. After visiting my hospice patients, I then boarded a plane for Louisville, Kentucky, to attend the commencemet ceremony for Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary where I am about to complete my second term as the Alum Board President. I also managed to see several fellow graduates, attend a number of wonderful worship services, and meet with the Alum Board Executive Committee. Somehow I still had time to quietly rock on a porch swing at a friend's home, and sit and pray in a garden that I spent time in while in seminary. I then managed to board a flight home last evening that was then delayed for several hours in Chicago due to a storm, and make it to bed about two am this morning. The alarm went off at 7 am, and it is back to work today.
This morning as I read through emails and get caught up with things before I head out the door to start another full day, I needed to simply stop and and take a moment to think about some of the highlights. We forget that even while we seem to be thriving at "break-neck speed," God is still with us. Over the weekend I encountered real moments with God, even while keeping pace with an impossible schedule filled with expectations. For so many of us, our pace is nearly impossible to measure. We point to our calendar that consumes us and proclaim success, but when it comes down to our faith journey, the question is whether we can recognize the moments where God overtook us in our own race, and was allowed to lead? I must admit, I am running on fumes this morning, but I also seem to be overwhelmed by the fact that God has been prsesent and celebrated in so many moments. It is possible you know... to let God lead while we seem to be running! Years ago I once was told, "Never plan more than what you have time to pray for." While I think that remains true, the fact of the matter is, never plan anything unless you can plan to let God go with you. Real thriving exists when God also flourishes with you as well. Stay in God's grip! G. Todd Williams (c) 2018 Comments are closed.
AuthorRev. G. Todd Williams is the author of the book, "Remember Me When..." and is a former hospice chaplain and pastor. Archives
February 2024